Welcome to BrailleAudio, "Where Blind People Read!"

BrailleAudio is an interdenominational Christian resource library consisting of books, teachings, and other materials in Braille and DAISY audio formats. We provide the material as downloadable files to our members:

  • As accessible methods of reading for those who are blind, partially sighted, or otherwise print disabled, to build their Christian faith, growth, work, and witness;
  • As an educational resource for those who want to learn more about the Christian faith; and
  • As a home to those who simply like to read.

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  1. Living in a country in which BrailleAudio provides service, and
  2. Unable to read regular print or handle a book due to permanent blindness, vision impairment, or another qualifying disability.

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Always, Couples Share Stories About Difficult Marriages (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Betsy Holt and Mike Yorkey
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Marriage and Family
Read by: Alice Henderson
Approximate time: 7 hours 35 minutes
Catalog number: 1048
Every couple, newlywed or married for years, desires a marriage that will last. Journey with real life couples as they share their personal stories and how they faced such challenges as illness and infidelity, to financial struggles and personal setbacks. These encouraging stories will prove that even during the hard times, you can be brought closer to each other and to God.

A Gift of Light: a Collection of Thoughts from Father Andrew (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Father Andrew and Harry C Griffith
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Comfort, Devotional, Inspirational, Miracles
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours
Catalog number: 1046
Inspirational, a Christian gift of light into any darkness you may have.

In His Steps Today (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Marti Hefley
Type: Fiction
Subject categories: Christian Living, Discipleship, Ethics and Morality
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 4 hours 32 minutes
Catalog number: 100
WWJD? In the classic book In His Steps, some Christian group members make this motto their guide for daily living. Their lives are glow for Christ. That was in 1890! Would this work today? WWJD in Solving the Problems of Present Political, Economic and Social Life? Hefley writes a modern version with Heather obsessed by her beautiful home as the central character. Her experiences and decisions interweave with and affect those around her.

Kim, I Will Make Darkness Light (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Hugh Steven and Kim Wickes
Type: Non-fiction
Subject category: Biography and Autobiography
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 3 minutes
Catalog number: 114
Join Kim as she takes you on her journey. As a 10-year-old Korean blind girl, she was adopted and brought to the U.S. by Americans from Indiana. You will travel with her through many experiences including travel in Europe. Experience with her how a self-oriented woman yielded herself to a Christ-centered life.

Matthew for Everyone, Part 1, Chapters 1-15 (Audio DAISY Book)

Book 1 in series For Everyone
By: Tom Wright
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study, New Testament
Read by: Robin Russell
Approximate time: 11 hours 25 minutes
Catalog number: 1026/TORCH-5379D (part of the Torch collection)
Tom Wright's eye-opening comments on the gospel and what it might mean for us are combined, passage by passage, with his new translation of the Bible text. The series is numbered in New Testament book order.

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Volunteers play a vital role in helping to build and maintain BrailleAudio, and the other ministries of Spoken Word Ministries, Inc. If you have some free time and would like to help, please check out our current Volunteer opportunities.

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Faithful and generous givers help us to provide ministry services and resources on a continuous basis. We need and appreciate your ongoing financial support. The Lord enables us to continue our work with gifts from generous partners like you who want to help blind people read.

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
(2Corinthians 9:7 NKJV)